Laminated Glass at PRL. Larger Oven Capacity Laminated Glass! Now Even Faster Lead-Times!

Laminated Glass at PRL. Larger Oven Capacity Laminated Glass! Now Even Faster Lead-Times!

PRL is proud to announce we have a new, larger capacity laminated glass oven! What does this mean for you? Larger sized panels with even faster lead-times. Now, you can get laminated glass up to 96” x 180” in just 5 working days! . So, whether your project is a...

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Bullet Resistant Glass for Framed Projects. Get Thinner & Lighter Laminates at PRL!

Bullet Resistant Glass for Framed Projects. Get Thinner & Lighter Laminates at PRL!

Buy bullet resistant glass at PRL. Thinner and lighter than others on the market. Rendered in threat levels 1-8, these interlayers easily fit into door glazing pockets storefronts, bandit barriers and more. Our bullet resistant glass guards against many weapons and...

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